Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Sampling of Norwegian Movies and more music from Norway

I had a Norwegian bachelor farmer-uncle.

Fans of Prairie Home Companion will understand this reference!

He lived in a tiny cottage on our farm, and played the accordion for dances in his youth. I inherited his beautiful push button accordions, but not his talent for playing them.

How his music made me dance! Especially my favorite tune. Sadly I never learned the name. It took me years of searching, but I finally found a recording on Itunes.

Here it is, along with more cheerful Norwegian dance tunes that remind me of Uncle Andrew.
For more Norwegian music presenting a mix of traditional and contemporary influences, see my earlier post: The Many Sounds of Norway.

For movies featuring Norwegian bachelors, scroll down!

Akkurat Den Same, Reinlendar
Embrik Bergaplass

Tom Willy Rustad

Jorun Marie Kvernberg & Øyvind Sandum

Youtube of an accordion solo version - live performance
Reminds me so much of my uncle!

For several weeks now we have been watching Norwegian movies found through Netflix and borrowed from the library.

Our favorite so far is Elling.
Set in Oslo, Elling is overcoming his fears with the help of his new friend Kjell Bjarne.
It's just too funny and sweet. I want to watch it again.
Rated R - for discussions about sex and language

We were totally unprepared for O'Horten.
Until the very end of this movie, we kept asking "Is this movie ever going to make sense? Was there a plot at all?
Then there was the resolution - to a conflict we were not entirely aware existed - in the last few minutes of the film - and we agreed we were glad we had watched this quirky and brilliant film.
Rated PG-13 but there is some brief nudity.

We tried a few movies that took their inspiration from Norwegian Folk Mythology. Of course we watched Trollhunter when it was on Netflix last year and has become something of a cult classic. Of the new releases we tried in this vein, we found Ragnarok very entertaining. A single father/archaeologist takes his kids on a hunt for Viking treasure. Action adventure, beautiful scenery.

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