Saturday, January 3, 2015

It was his fault

Our 30th anniversary was approaching. A weekend getaway was in order, but elderly parents, pets and plants demanded we stay close to home

That's how it is for many of us in the sandwich generation; a real vacation, even a night away from responsibility is often out of the question.

So my romantic husband rented a beautiful Mustang convertible for a day. I bought a big pair of Audrey Hepburn sunglasses and a head scarf.

We wound through back roads and went where we wished. We explored an out of the way Heirloom Rose Garden and wandered through a wine tasting festival. We chose a Cabernet to enjoy later, had a leisurely dinner and returned home, full of peace and laughter.

So many of our vacations have been stress nightmares: worrying about what to bring, where to stay, how to get there, how to pay for it and finding house sitters. And then, so often our worries track us down and ruin the experience altogether.

What made this day so enjoyable? Creativity, freedom and a playful spirit. I got to dress up. He got to drive a dream car.

Oh, and perfect weather. It happens. Even in Oregon!

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